How long does a vape last

Fryd Cartridge

about 500 – 600 puffs
As the name implies, disposable vapes are designed for short-term use. Typically, they last for about 500 – 600 puffs, which provides roughly the equivalent nicotine to a pack of traditional cigarettes. They are also usually made of plastic, so are more prone to damage and wear and tear.


If you’ve ever worked for a company that allowed employees to take smoke breaks, you already have an idea of why smoking rates in the military are so high. A smoke break is a chance to relieve stress, catch up with your friends and break up the monotony of the day.


A vaping device uses a coiled heating wire to vaporize a flavored nicotine-infused liquid called e-liquid. Puffing on the device, the user inhales the vapor and experiences a “throat hit” that’s reminiscent of smoking. The vaping device also delivers nicotine, thus providing a substitute for the nicotine delivery of cigarettes while also replacing the flavor, physical sensations and rituals of smoking.


You probably have dozens of existing customers who are ready to switch from their box mods to pod vaping systems. If those people don’t spend significant amounts of time reading about vaping, though, they may not know about pod systems yet. It’s your job to introduce those customers to pod systems and help them understand why they’ll have a better experience if they switch.

These are some of the comments that you’ll probably hear from customers if they’re ready to ditch their box mods.

  • I’m spending a hundred dollars a month on new coils, but I have to because building my own coils is way too much work.
  • I feel like I’m constantly in here buying more e-liquid. I thought vaping would save me money!
  • How do you vape around other people? Don’t they find the huge clouds obnoxious?
  • This thing feels like a brick when I carry it in my pocket.
  • Is my vape going to blow up? I get nervous every time I take the batteries out.


Before pod systems became popular, it wasn’t easy for vape shops to serve new vapers. You could carry cigalikes, but why would anyone buy a cigalike from a vape shop when they could get the same product from the gas station? You could carry little eGo vape pens in blister packs, but if you vaped back when those devices were popular, you know that they never really worked that well. So, many vape shops have ceded the beginner’s market to the gas stations and focused on stocking the high-end mods and sweet e-liquids that experienced vapers generally buy.

Pod systems are an opportunity to get the beginner’s market back. To do that, though, you’ll need to compete with JUUL. You could just carry JUUL, of course, but then you’d only be selling a product that you know doesn’t provide a great vaping experience. It’s better for your customers and for your vape shop to sell devices that you know your customers will enjoy.

Here’s how you can introduce pod systems to people who don’t already vape but are aware of JUUL.

  • JUUL is a closed-system device that doesn’t have any flavors except tobacco and menthol. With a refillable pod system, you can use any e-liquid from any maker. In terms of flavor quality, there is no comparison.
  • JUUL is incredibly expensive to use compared to a refillable pod system. Aside from third-party pods – which are also expensive and often don’t work well – you can only get JUUL pods from JUUL. When you sell a proprietary vaping device, you can charge whatever you want for the pods.
  • Compared to JUUL, a refillable pod system usually offers better battery life, larger pods and superior vapor production. That doesn’t just mean you’ll have a better experience; it also means that you’ll save even more money. JUUL is expensive enough if you only use one pod per day – but many people use two. If you use two JUUL pods per day, you’ll spend even more on vaping than you spend to smoke.


If you’re going to sell refillable pod systems to your customers, you’re going to need to learn how to sell nicotine salt e-liquid as well. These are the most important things to keep in mind when introducing your customers to nicotine salt vape juice. Shop Disposable Vapes Online

  • Nicotine salt e-liquid tends to come in much higher nicotine concentrations than standard nicotine e-liquid. It’s only intended for use in the smallest vaping devices.
  • Nicotine salt e-liquid usually comes in two variations: a lower strength around 20-25 mg and a higher strength around 40-50 mg. Smokers should choose the higher strength; those who already vape should choose the lower strength.
  • Although the nicotine strength might seem high, a pod system with nicotine salt isn’t harsh and unpleasant like the small vaping devices of the past used to be. Nicotine salt e-liquid is smooth, tasty and satisfying.


Until now, you probably thought it was safe to assume that your vape shop could continue doing business as normal until at least 2022. Maybe you even hoped that a lawsuit or act of Congress would force the FDA to change the predicate date of February 15, 2007 for grandfathered vaping products. Unfortunately, it now seems as though none of those things are going to happen. Right now, the safest thing to assume is that you will need to clear out the products you’re currently selling and either find new products – or close up shop – by May of next year. You need to immediately begin transitioning to products that will still be legal to sell in 2020.

Our recommendation is CBD.

The sooner you begin your transition to CBD sales – the sooner you can position your vape shop as your city’s new CBD superstore – the more likely it’ll be that you will emerge from the changes in May 2020 not just alive, but even healthier and more profitable than you currently are. Shop Disposable Vapes Online


If you keep up on the latest health trends, you may already know about CBD. You might, in fact, sell CBD products in your vape shop already. CBD and vaping products tend to go hand in hand because inhaling CBD is an extremely fast way of absorbing it. For the uninitiated, though, here’s a primer. Fryd Cartridge